It's been a busy past week. This is what we've been up to.
Last Tuesday- Dinner in Delaware with one of Chris' buds. Fun time especially because Christianna mall was included in the evening.
Wednesday- Our third anniversary. We left both (gulp) girls with Chris' parents and we're glad we took the plunge. It was the first time Chris and I had some time out with just each other and honestly, I'd forgotten how nice that can be. We went to a wonderful little French restaurant- dim lights, excellent wine, better conversation, those waiters that stand in the corner attentive to refill your water every sip (and you know that's a change from the usual dinner times round here). It was really nice... Three more years and we'll do it again. Thanks again J&M for taking the girls!
Thursday- Ravens' pre-season game. We left Anna again with the doting grandparents and decked out Sonja in purple. We had dinner at the stadium- something of a step down from the previous night's fare. The Ravens lost but it was still fun. Here are a few pictures from that.

Friday- Pack it in pack it up and off to Ohio! Sadly, our already late evening flight was delayed. And though the pilot announced he would "fly this like we stole it" we still were pretty late getting in. It's a bummer that Anna no longer flies free, but it is nice to have a whole row to ourselves for musical chairs and all the other fun times that come with two kiddos at 11PM. After the baggage carousEl, the rental counter and hellos to Aunt Manda and Uncle Roo, it was so late...1AM? I don't even remember. Fortunately both girls slept in next morning.

Saturday- Hanging out with the Ohio Schwartzes. And donuts. Aunt Manda taught Anna how to spell O-H-I-O with the Buckeye motions and everything. Anna renamed their cat(formerly Buster) Bus Driver. Quaker Steak that night- Chris over-filled on wings, and Sonja over-filled her diaper. Many wipes, a lot of water and a $4 dress from the nearby Target later, dinner resumed.
Sunday- We went to church with the Kirklins! It was great to see Anna and Maddie together again. Church was kind of crazy with the two 2yo's and two infants...I think we were all there for the opening hymn...after that someone was always taking somebody out. Once again, it's nice to have a whole row for musical chairs. =) After church we had a nice afternoon hanging out with them. Here are the girls and Baby Janie too.

That evening Uncle Roo made an outstanding cake, from scratch!, for Anna's Ohio birthday. The camera batteries were dying so the focus was pretty poor, but here's one picture from that:

Monday- Anna and I woke up extra early, one of us unenthusiastically so. After Chris was up, we sat out on the porch in the sunshine and Anna tried to eat flowers.

That evening we flew home.
Tuesday- I started this post. And Anna started her "Mixed Sports" class at the Y. They are beginning with soccer. It was fun to watch. The instructor was trying to tell Anna to kick the ball into the goal but she wanted to tell him all about her mom and her dad and her little sister Sonja and her blue shoes and her pink hat that we left in the car because mama said... She did kick the ball around though and after awhile of us emphasizing to kick it to the goal, she picked it up, tossed it in the goal and went to find another ball that she could just kick where she wanted.
Wednesday- This morning, Anna woke up pretty early. Chris put her in bed with us and the next thing I knew, she was waking me up a little after 7AM. She asked where Daddy was and I figured he was in the shower so told her so. She went out of the room, looked around, came back in and said, "Daddy went to work already," and then in the saddest voice, "Daddy not give Anna hug." So we made lunch for Chris and left early for the doc appt so we could stop by and give him lunch and get Anna's hug. When we got to Chris' work, he was walking around somewhere with the supervisor and didn't answer his phone. I left his lunch at his desk and a message saying we'd see him later. I told Anna that Daddy was busy and she was pretty sad as we drove away. We hadn't gone far when Chris called and said he was available so we turned around. As we pull into the drive, I hear Anna grumble, "Stop taking my daddy, people." That's what I say, too. =)
Anna had a doctor appt this morning and they gave her a shot. The first one where she really knew what was going on...could have been ugly. She was very brave and didn't cry until after the fact. Then the whole way through the parking lot, she kept her leg completely straight, would not bend it for nothing. But back in the car, she forgot about it completely courtesy of one red twizzler. Phew. Next time is probably going to be a little harder...We'll up the reward to milkshake probably.
After the doc, we needed gasoline and groceries and baby needed nursing. I should have just stopped at a station before the grocery store, but I wanted to get gas from the place near our house so I could save 2cents/gal...that's what 30 cents off the total? Hindsight is 20/20, but at the time the Irish in me won out. So we drove to Giant, I nursed Sonja in the car (the three of us sweltering because we had to turn the car off to save the gas), did the grocery shopping, loaded everyone back in and made it to the cheap gas station where we filled the 15 gal tank to 15.2. And saved us a nickel and a quarter.
So, that brings us to the present. Anna just woke up from her nap so that's my cue.