I'm here! I am here!
Wow, let's not talk about how long it's been...
Back to it.
First of all, the most exciting news since last I blogged- we're expecting a baby. =) Lord willing, we'll welcome this little one mid-September. More on baby later.
Second- we've been house hunting. Every spare minute, I'm on redfin.com and lately I've been boning up on mortgages. Gah. More on that later...hopefully some news soon!
Third- Sonja is potty trained. Did it herself, I just supplied the M&M's. Totally different experience than with Anna. I deserve no credit; she seriously decided to be potty trained and I handed over the underwear.
Fourth- Anna is reading. Starfall.com is largely responsible for that...
Fifth- I started doing legal work from home for a lawyer who is a family friend. It's not that big of a time commitment. (So, it just *sounds* like I'm crazy, I'm not, that much.)
Sixth- Big ultrasound coming up next week...we hope to find out if we're three for three or going for a change up. My mom keeps mentioning the prudence of not knowing baby's gender as motivation during delivery, but I remember thinking during labor with Anna- I don't care if it's a boy or a girl or a puppy, I want it OUT. NOW! Besides, I think our household needs a little adjustment period if we're to have a little boy coming our way. (I simply have no idea what is on the righthand side of PBK's store...I'm kidding!) Seriously kidding, especially if we are buying a house this year. Gah.
What else? I have taken 500 pictures since we last met. Some of those need to get up here.
We're enjoying very fine weather.
Sonja is turning two on Monday!
We've been baking a lot of baguettes.
What I Call Pretty is still going on, for kicks, for now. We'll see what happens when a watermelon belly is between me and the rotary board.
I think that is everything interesting to update you on. I'll be posting lots of pictures of what else we've been up to, but here are a few for now. To get my mom off my back. =)
Snug as a bug...
The girls' favorite place to read together during the day is up on the top bunk. Note my hole-y slippers and remember that on my birthday. Ahem.

Their favorite place to read once dad is home:

"And both sisters agreed that the day wouldn't be complete without a swing after supper."

Okay, it's bedtime. See you soon though, promise. =)