Last weekend, Liz McLean was in town and gave these cute overalls to Anna. They are great! Here is a sampling of the fifty pictures I took of her in them.

We're not sure how long the pants will contain Anna's legs, so Anna's worn these overalls just about every day.

Anna had her two month check-up on Tuesday. Again, she is in the 75th percentile for height and 50th for weight. This visit however, was vaccine day. Five shots. The nurse was trying to explain the importance of vaccinations, but the tears kept coming and they didn't stop until we were back home. Anna cried too, but she fell asleep before we left the doctor's office.

This morning, Saturday, Anna started our day off with the "out the back Jack" routine. So, she had a bath straight away, then had a fun shower with dad. She loves the water. She's a happy baby- a whole two days with dad ahead.