Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Here's a short video of Anna's tiger growl. Also, this african violet was given to us when Anna was born. It has shockingly survived for 10 months and now is flowering again. Woohoo! And also, Amanda S, do you recognize that little pink bucket? It's from your bridal shower. I remember taking it home, loving the color and hoping that I would have a little girl so I could put it in her room.


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    If you teach how to growl pretty soon she will be barking. She has some Moulton genes in her. Love,
    Aunt Katie

  2. Absolutely NO Woofies allowed in this house! And no sniffing people either...Jenny!

  3. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Hey pretending to be a dog is better than pretending to be a cat. Love,
    Aunt Katie

  4. Little FYI from personal experience Chris, you might want to check a scale to see if the "worth your weight in gold" is a compliment.
