and the gender is...okay, this is a shy little baby, so we can't say for sure, but the tech was leaning towards girl. We aren't banking on it yet. And I have to go in for another ultrasound anyway, so perhaps then we'll know for sure. Not climactic, sorry. =)
So, a sister for Anna, probably, or maybe. That makes me feel good about Anna's girly car seat, pink bunting and winter coat, garden theme room. No changes necessary, I could just use it again. And this baby would be set for her wardrobe, being just about the same season as Anna. So, girl means easy transition. But also means I need to make a new set of announcements and the boy ones from when Anna was born will have to wait a few more years. Again though, this still could be a little boy...
Okay, I have pictures. These are from Thanksgiving/Christmas time with Chris' family.
The first gift took Anna five minutes to open; then she was too interested in the current toy she had to care about the unwrapping of her other gifts.
She loves this doll house! We spent hours this morning playing with it- she always puts the baby in the bathroom and plays with the toilet...
She is going places with her backpack and rolling giraffe luggage.
We had a good time with everyone there. We drove home on Friday afternoon and Uncle Roo and Aunt Manda came up Saturday. And we all had cheese steaks...soooo good.
Sunday afternoon we headed north to acquire a Christmas tree. For the first time, in three years, we actually found the tree farm we set out towards (Thanks to Garmin, thanks to J&M). The farm had most of its trees maybe a half mile back from the entrance so they hauled us out in a wagon behind a tractor. It was great.
How about this one?
And finally we bagged us a tree.
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