Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Chris has a sensor too, if only subconsciously. If I really want him to come home early, I just turn on the computer, prop my feet up, have the girls to dump all the legos out on the living room floor and fight over them. It also helps to have no idea what's for dinner.
Is it just me?
Okay, Sonja's up. She has extra sharp sensors today. I was only thinking of looking through the new pbk catalog...
Monday, May 11, 2009
The reason I get up in the morning.
(That's not really a sweet sentiment, it just really is the reason. I wouldn't get up if I didn't hear "I need to go pooooooootty!")
Okay, back to work. Hope everyone's having a good Monday!
Thursday, May 07, 2009
On Tuesday, I finished painting this growth chart for the girls.
We cruised back into MD in time to meet Daddy for Anna's soccer class:
And today is Thursday. Anna had an appt with her eye doc and will be getting bi-focals next week. It wasn't raining when we came out from her appt so we stopped at the park to try out my early Mother's Day present! We had picked up a double jogger from craigslist because, once upon a time, I was athletic and the jogger seemed like the best way to reclaim some of those sarcomeres. Anyway, we just squeezed in a run between cloud bursts, stopped by Dad's work for a high five and scooted home for lunch and naps.