Friday, April 20, 2007

Good morning sunshine. Anna woke up and 5 this morning just to nurse and go back to sleep. She felt cool to me but I was not coherant to attempt placing a thermometer anywhere. Then she woke up at 8 giggling and all smiles. And I'm happy to report a textbook temperature of 98.6.
So, what was that? No teeth yet- they are close though, they really are. Anna mandated laundry be done yesterday instead of today, so we've got the whole day today to do something. We'll still keep the low profile- quarantine from Anna's friends is still in effect, just in case.

Other news- We're in the middle of new apt hunting and there is a place we are interested in. It's in a Victorian home and it's darling. It makes me think of Sense and Sensibility. Someone else already has an application in for it, but if things don't work out with that person, we are next in line!


  1. wanna go for an outdoor walk later since the ladies are healthy and the day is nice?

  2. Sure, but Anna and Maddie have to maintain a 3 ft no contact zone. I think my phone is down in the car. I'll call you soon...
