Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Father's day festivities were held yesterday. Chris was out of town for the actual Sunday and we've been kept so dang-busted busy we ain't had time to since. (Who knows where that busy phrase is from?)
Anyway, we went mini golfing-

Really though, Anna played broomball.
She was pretty efficient at sweeping the ball into the hole.
Here they are, held up by folks who had started out 8 holes ahead who obviously didn't utilize the key sweeping motion. Sonja pressured Dad at each hole to sink his putt fast so she could hold the ball.
18th hole sadness...
"Thanks for going golfing, Dale E...I mean Daddy!"

We then bought ourselves a few more minutes like so:

So Daddy could hit a bucket of balls.
So it was a happy Father's day indeed. =) We sure love that sweet Daddy.


  1. I've never heard that phrase before. :)

    Sounds like a good day!

  2. Love the pics... and I'm empathizing for the 18th hole sadness. :(

  3. Anonymous12:04 PM

    OLD YELLER. Haha i love that movie you should get it for the kids.
    love aunt katie
