Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Well, it has been a bit of a while since we've updated you all. The holidays were a flurry. There were no flurries of snow- the weather remains very warm even now into January. In spite of our dreams, it's been wet rather than white. Our plans to visit New York City Saturday before Christmas never came to fruition due to a forecast of rain. Our spirits were ne'er dampened for we turned south to Longwood Gardens for the evening instead. The Gardens were decked out in lights for the Christmas Wonderland festival of lights. We bundled up Anna and she watched the lights pass by her stroller view.

Anna was taken with the fountain display.

Anna was more taken with her daddy.

We had a great time together.

1 comment:

  1. We loved Longwood! Never made it during Christmastime though---I bet it was pretty!
