Some funny things from Anna this weekend:
Friday morning- I'm on the couch nursing the baby, Chris is brushing his teeth, I send Anna in to ask him if he would like me to make coffee.
Anna: You want coffee, Daddy?
Chris: Oh, yes please.
Anna: Daddy get the coffee.
Uh, I didn't tell her to say that.
Friday night- I went in to check on her after she's fallen asleep. She's zonked out with her head inside a canvas tote box. I ran for the camera, but she stirred and woke up before I could get a picture. Not sure why she put her head in the box, but it must have been comfy.
Sunday morning- Anna normally calls out when she wakes up but lays in her bed until one of us comes in her room. This morning we hear, "Mama? Mama?!...I need to talk to Mama." Chris went in but never did find out what she needed to talk to me about.
On the way back from church, out of nowhere from the backseat- "Climb it tree?" We ask, "You want to climb a tree?" Anna says, "I guess I too short." Probably. =)
Sonja hasn't cracked any jokes yet, but she's trying desperately to get her thumb in her mouth.